Dataset uploading

This page contains tips on how to create new dataset, input metadata manually, import metadata and upload data.

To create new dataset:
1. You should be already registered and logged in.
2. Create a dataset by clicking the Add Data > New Dataset on the right side of the main page of the repository.
3. Fill in at least the required (each marked by an asterisk) metadata.

To publish a dataset you should upload data files. We advise you to use zip files not exceeding 2 GB in size.

To add more clarity to your dataset add as much metadata as possible, metadata importers are a helpful tool. You can also add a raw image converted into a jpeg image.

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Dataset uploading

Afterwards you can add metadata to each field manually or use metadata importers.

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Fill the metadata fields, fields with asterisks are required.

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Fill the metadata fields, fields with asterisks are required. When editing metadata more fields are visible.

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Import Metadata

Choose the importer you would like to use from the list: 1. PDB ID importer, 2. .cbf file importer, 3. XDS file importer, 4. .cif (PDBx/mmCIF) file importer

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PDB ID importer

First is the PDB ID importer, enter PDB ID of the form XXXX and the metadata that describes the structure in PDB will be imported to your dataset.

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.cbf file importer

Second is the .cbf file importer, upload .cbf image from your dataset and the metadata from the header will be imported to your dataset.

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XDS file importer

Third is the XDS file importer, upload CORRECT.LP or XDS.INP file and the metadata from that file will be imported to your dataset.

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.cif (PDBx/mmCIF) file importer

Fourth is the .cif (PDBx/mmCIF) file importer, upload .cif file from your PDB deposit and the metadata from that file will be imported to your dataset.

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Uploading data

To upload data click button Select Files to Add, wait for the data to upload, select the proper license and afterwards click button Save Dataset to save files. We advise you to upload the zip files not larger than 2 GB.

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Uploading data

You can also add a description or a license to your files.

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