Few words about MX-RDR

The Macromolecular Xtallography Raw Data Repository (MX- RDR) was developed as a part of an EU funded project, coordinated by ICM UW, which aimed to create three open access discipline dedicated raw data repositories.

The MX-RDR repository, which is accessible via the web portal at https://mxrdr.icm.edu.pl, was designed to archive and provide access to raw diffraction data collected for macromolecular crystals. It includes tools for creating datasets of crystallographic metadata by combining information extracted directly from diffraction images and obtained from a PDB deposit and/or user input. Each data set is characterized by rich metadata, both to facilitate their management and long-term curation, and to allow effective scientific reuse. The resource can be searched using various criteria and all data are available for unrestricted access and download.